The Chubby Chaser Fat Bike Race
CLUES - The Pedal House Poker Run and Virtual Party (Zoom link attached.)
Join us at the following zoom link:
Don't be scared everyone.... it's the Pedal House Halloween Poker Run!!!! Join us - October 31st....Halloween day at 3:00! For the COVID-19 Edition Poker Run! All of the clues have something to do with COVID-19….Somehow!
This year the Pedal House's Annual Poker Run will Half old school, get out there and do something, actually happening type fun, and Half will be Virtual, get online and socialize and Zoom in, type of fun.
Like always, if you want to participate you will need access to the Internet. There are going to be Three ways to access this information:
• Facebook – Like the Pedal House on Facebook. At three we will post the seven location clues for you to go out and find.
• Instagram - Like the Pedal House on Instagram. At three we will post the seven location clues for you to go out and find.
• Pedal House Website ( – Go to - At three we will post the seven location clues for you to go out and find.
Here is how the Poker Run works:
1. This Pedal House Poker Run is for fun, but there will be a prize for the best poker hand and best use of a mask in your costume.
2. YOU MUST RIDE A BIKE TO COMPLETE THIS OUTING. Not part of the way, not some of the way, but through the whole course. Walking, driving, long-boarding, extreme kiting, skiing or any other form of transportation is not permitted.
3. We'll post pictures on one of the three media outlets listed above, (Facebook, Instagram or our Website) which will reveal a location/landmark around Laramie based on this year's theme…..COVID-19 You'll travel as a team, or as an individual, to retrieve one envelope at each location. Do not open the envelope. The locations of playing cards will remain secret until 3:pm on October 31st, 2020. When the clues are posted – THE RACE IS ON!!!!
4. Please take a photo of your entire team at each landmark. (No splitting up.)
5. You may start at any landmark or anywhere in Laramie, and ride to each one in any order, but you'll need to travel to all seven locations in order to be one of the cool kids, and you will need at least five envelopes to least to play a hand of poker. After you've collected all seven envelopes ride as fast as you can to Your Computer and log onto zoom. (Zoom link will be posted with the photos) where you'll play your hand.
6. Please, do NOT open your Envelopes until you play your hand at the Zoom Party.
8. Costumes are highly recommended, but not mandatory, unless you want to be one of the cool kids.
9. Normally we say BYOB, but you will be at your own home for the Zoom Party, so you have to. But we can’t wait to see everyone at 3:PM.
ZOOM LINK: Abby Lozano is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Pedal House Poker Run - COVID-19 Editioin
Time: Oct 31, 2020 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 935 6163 1028
The Pedal House Poker Run - COVID-19 Edition for 2020
Don't be scared everyone.... it's the Pedal House Halloween Poker Run!!!! Join us - October 31st....Halloween day at 3:00! For the COVID-19 Edition Poker Run! All of the clues have something to do with COVID-19….Somehow!
This year the Pedal House's Annual Poker Run will Half old school, get out there and do something, actually happening type fun, and Half will be Virtual, get online and socialize and Zoom in, type of fun.
Like always, if you want to participate you will need access to the Internet. There are going to be Three ways to access this information:
• Facebook – Like the Pedal House on Facebook. At three we will post the seven location clues for you to go out and find.
• Instagram - Like the Pedal House on Instagram. At three we will post the seven location clues for you to go out and find.
• Pedal House Website ( – Go to - At three we will post the seven location clues for you to go out and find.
Here is how the Poker Run works:
1. This Pedal House Poker Run is for fun, but there will be a prize for the best poker hand and best use of a mask in your costume.
2. YOU MUST RIDE A BIKE TO COMPLETE THIS OUTING. Not part of the way, not some of the way, but through the whole course. Walking, driving, long-boarding, extreme kiting, skiing or any other form of transportation is not permitted.
3. We'll post pictures on one of the three media outlets listed above, (Facebook, Instagram or our Website) which will reveal a location/landmark around Laramie based on this year's theme…..COVID-19 You'll travel as a team, or as an individual, to retrieve one envelope at each location. Do not open the envelope. The locations of playing cards will remain secret until 3:pm on October 31st, 2020. When the clues are posted – THE RACE IS ON!!!!
4. Please take a photo of your entire team at each landmark. (No splitting up.)
5. You may start at any landmark or anywhere in Laramie, and ride to each one in any order, but you'll need to travel to all seven locations in order to be one of the cool kids, and you will need at least five envelopes to least to play a hand of poker. After you've collected all seven envelopes ride as fast as you can to Your Computer and log onto zoom. (Zoom link will be posted with the photos) where you'll play your hand.
6. Please, do NOT open your Envelopes until you play your hand at the Zoom Party.
8. Costumes are highly recommended, but not mandatory, unless you want to be one of the cool kids.
9. Normally we say BYOB, but you will be at your own home for the Zoom Party, so you have to. But we can’t wait to see everyone at 3:PM.
The Pilot Hill Project
Riding Legally on Warren Livestock Land in 1998
I don’t really remember the first time I rode a bicycle on Warren Livestock’s section of land just east of of Laramie. The trails started where the golf course ended so we could pedal from our homes up to Pilot Hill, spending hours enjoying the view of the Laramie Valley. It was in the early 1990’s when the old owner of Warren Livestock allowed recreational hiking and mountain biking on the trail systems that were created, mostly, by sheep. We were living the American Dream. We would ride out of our back door and into the wild, giving every Laramigo the opportunity to feel like a modern day Thoreau. (Now we have to deal with the Irony of living a full 9 miles from Happy Jack.)
Then one day our American Dream was interrupted by the hard working’s of another’s American Dream. The old owner of Warren Livestock sold his company to a new American Dreamer who was forced to make some decisions that didn’t fit with our old way of thinking. It really changed the face of mountain biking in Laramie, because a law abiding citizen just lost the luxury of a back yard playground.
Fast forward 20 years, and today we sit here in the Laramie valley looking east to a new sunrise. Watching as the rays break the horizons of a new tomorrow. A tomorrow where citizens of Laramie once again have a playground in their back yard that connects us, to the USFS section of land known as Pilot Knob, or Pilot Hill! Thanks to the hard work of many of our local citizens, and the current owners of the Warran Livestock company, we have our playground back. Limited access is currently open. (See Map Below)
Here is how you can access the Pilot Hill Land Purchase
Access from Laramie: East end of Willett Drive; North end of Boulder Drive; 45th and Crow. Please respect surrounding homes and private properties. Do not block driveways or residential parking.
Access from USFS Pole Mountain Unit: Follow USFS 703 Rd to the north end. (Dispersed parking only and recommended at 703G spur road.) Enter the Pilot Hill area through the walk thru gate at end of USFS 703. NO ACCESS off 703C, 703G, 703F roads at this time.
Bottom to Top Route: Follow existing 2 track road; Trail #4 on map.
Route is 12 miles round trip - plan accordingly. Carry water / snacks / prepare for weather / recreate with a partner / inform a friend of your recreational plans.
Route will be utilized by runners, hikers, bikers and horse-riders. Respect trail etiquette.